1st Trimester (weeks 1-13) Week 2

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1st Trimester (weeks 1-13)

Week 2

About You

Week 2 is the second week of the 1st trimester. You still don't know you are pregnant, but implantation has been achieved which means that pregnancy has begun. If you haven't already started to do so, start taking a pregnancy multivitamin that contains folic acid and iron. Taking folic acid (a B vitamin) before you get pregnant and early on into your pregnancy can reduce the risk of your baby developing neural tube defects such as spina bifida and anencephaly by 50 to 70 percent. Folic acid may also reduce the risk of other defects, such as cleft lip, cleft palate, and certain heart defects. Taking folic acid may even lower your risk of preeclampsia. Your body absorbs the synthetic version of folic acid better than the natural one found in food, so even if you eat a balanced diet, a supplement is strongly recommended.

*Try not to overindulge in alcohol or other drugs if you are trying to get pregnant.

About Baby

This is the week that the blastocyst (ball of around 100 calls) reaches your uterus and settles down into the uterine lining. This is called implantation-- the moment that fertilization gives way to pregnancy.

This week's activities for the pregnancy to-do list

Reduce your caffeine intake

Talk to your doctor about safe medications during pregnancy

Eat a healthy, balanced diet

Don't overdo it when you exercise

Note that this article contains general information only and is not intended to replace advice from a qualified health professional.

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