1st Trimester (weeks 1-13) Week 8

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1st Trimester (weeks 1-13)

Week 8

About You

Week 8 is the eighth week of the 1st trimester. You are well into the first trimester, when many women complain of common pregnancy aches and pains. Keeping food down may be next to impossible, thanks to morning sickness, caused in part by the pregnancy hormones in your body. You may also need to urinate a lot more often than usual -- your growing uterus is pressing on your bladder, and hormones are affecting the balance of fluid in your body.

*Not only are your clothes are getting tight or just not fitting like they should, but also your underwear – especially your bra. Breast support is very important throughout pregnancy, so go shopping and buy a maternity bra. Also a downside of pregnancy is the effect on teeth and gums including the increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease, as during pregnancy, increased hormones affects your body’s response to plaque.

About Baby

The eighth week marks the beginning of a very busy developmental stage. Between now and 20 weeks, your baby will be growing rapidly, and body parts that formed in the first few weeks of life (such as the heart and brain) will become more specialised and complicated. Right now, the teeth and palate are forming, while the ears continue to develop. The foetus' skin is paper thin, and veins are clearly visible.

This week's activities for the pregnancy to-do list

Make a dentist appointment

Shop for a new bra, whether it's a maternity bra or just a bigger, softer style. If your breasts are sore, get a good supportive cotton bra. Maternity bras can offer extra support, so try a couple on to see whether you like them. Your breasts might increase one or two more sizes, especially if this is your first pregnancy, and a knowledgeable sales associate can help you with sizing. Maternity briefs, bikinis, and even g-strings can also make a bigger difference in your comfort than you may realize

Make Kegel exercises a part of your daily routine

Pick up antacids in preparation for pregnancy, heartburn, along with other pharmacy staples

Discuss recommended prenatal tests with your doctor

Note that this article contains general information only and is not intended to replace advice from a qualified health professional.

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