2nd Trimester (weeks 14-26) Week 15

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2nd Trimester (weeks 14-26)

Week 15

About You

*Week 15 is the second week of the 2nd trimester. If you have an ultrasound this week, you may be able to determine whether your baby is a boy or girl. However, don't be disappointed if the gender it is not clear, because finding out (excluding amniocentesis) depends on the clarity of the picture and baby's position. Some babies may be curled up or turned in such a way that they hide what is between their legs. If you do not want to know the gender, make your wishes known loud and clear at the onset of each visit. Pregnancy hormones are continuing to level off, so most mothers start to feel better- which means less or no morning sickness and more energy.

*You have probably gained more or less 2.3kg. Paying attention to diet is very important. Remember that you are eating for 1+ not 2! Any excess weight gain during your pregnancy is not only unhealthy for yourself and baby, but can lead to medical complications and will be hard to lose post pregnancy. If your nose is feeling a bit stuffy, it is probably due to the combined effects of hormonal changes and increased blood flow to mucous membranes. This condition is quite common, and is known as ''pregnancy rhinitis'' Sometimes women even get nosebleeds as a result of increased blood volume and blood vessel expansion in the nose. Anxiousness about baby's health is also common during this period, leading up to important physiological exams such as an amniocentesis.

About Baby

Baby is now about 10.16cm long and has nearly doubled in weight from last week to 70.8 grams, so it is about the size of a small apple. By this week baby is moving amniotic fluid through the nose and upper respiratory tract (which helps the air sacs in the lungs to develop). Legs and arms are growing longer (the legs are now longer than the arms) and baby can move all joints and limbs. Bones are getting harder and stronger while skin is still thin and transparent. Even though the eyelids are still fused shut, baby can sense light, and finally taste buds are starting to form.

This week's activities for the pregnancy to-do list

Discuss with your partner about whether you want to find out the gender of your baby before it is born, or if you prefer to keep it a surprise

Strengthen your abdominals with pelvic tilts

If over the age of 35, schedule an amniocentesis if it's recommended

As your doctor about the quad marker screen

Pick up a saline spray or humidifier to alleviate congestion caused by pregnancy

Note that this article contains general information only and is not intended to replace advice from a qualified health professional.

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