2nd Trimester (weeks 14-26) Week 17

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2nd Trimester (weeks 14-26)


About You

*Week 17 is the fourth week of the 2nd trimester. You should be truly settled into pregnancy, may be getting the pregnancy''glow'' , and generally feeling good, with an increase in appetite (remember to fill up on nutrition, not empty calories, and hydrate yourself). This is a good time to expand your pregnancy wardrobe as nearly all your clothes won't fit (except stretchy t-shirts).

*The growth of your baby is starting to shift your centre of gravity, so you may start to feel "off-kilter''. This may include starting to walk slightly differently as the weight of your growing uterus pushes out your stomach with your spine following. Be careful and wear low-heeled shoes. If your back is sore, try a pregnancy support pillow for your back when sitting and be mindful of your posture. If you find it harder to settle when you go to bed because of back discomfort, try sleeping on your left hand side and putting a small pillow between your thighs and knees. Your growing belly will also start to be putting pressure on your stomach, intestines and rectum, so be mindful of heartburn, indigestion and gas. Avoid big meals, really spicy food and eat more slowly if you are affected by these conditions.

About Baby

Baby is now about 13cm long and is approximately 140 grams, so it is about the size of a small sweet potato. By this week baby's skeleton is mostly rubbery cartilage, which will harden later. ''Myelina''(a protective substance) begins to wrap around the spinal cord. Body fat is beginning to form and will continue to accumulate through to the end of the pregnancy. Baby is also starting sucking and swallowing skills in preparation for suckling after birth and will now start to respond to loud noises.

With the help of a special stethoscope, baby's heartbeat can now be heard, which is comforting and exciting, and now the baby's heartbeat is regulated by its brain's beating at 140-150 beats per minute.

This week's activities for the pregnancy to-do list

Start a baby name list. Make a list of ten names you like. Have your partner do the same. Trade lists and each cross out one name on the other's list that you dislike. Keep taking turns until you have a set of names you can both live with. Talk about why you like and dislike certain names. Many couples even create ground rules, such as no names of former girlfriends or boyfriends, no names that have ever been used for family pets , and no grandparents names. Also respect the fact that your child will have to use their name with their peers, in school and in the workplace, so avoid crazy silly names, names that would rhyme with their surname, made-up names, 10 middle names, etc. Remember that a name is very important for a person, so don't trivialise it.

Combat your forgetful "pregnancy brain" with lots of notes and reminders.

Treat yourself to a prenatal massage.

Start a college fund for baby-to-be by opening an account or a special savings account

Note that this article contains general information only and is not intended to replace advice from a qualified health professional.

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