2nd Trimester (weeks 14-26) Week 22

About You

Week 22 is the ninth week of the 2 nd trimester. Starting now, you will begin to put on weight more steadily, averaging about 225 grams per week. You may crave certain foods (called cravings) or in many instances, “go off” certain foods. You may notice an increased (but not bloody) vaginal discharge - both are a normal part of being pregnant.

As your baby is growing, you will gain some extra kilos as well (between 5.4-6.8kilograms), and this extra weight often accounts for backache in women. In this case, it is advised to use low-heeled shoes and remember that both flat and high-heeled shoes will result in putting strain on your back. Also, make sure that you don’t sit or stand for long time as this will also cause backache. Any backache can helpful by putting your feet up (for example on a stool) while sitting.

About Baby

Baby now weighs about 430 grams (and getting heavier every day), measures just over 27 centimetres long from crown to heel, and is proportioned like a newborn, but thinner. Since baby fat hasn't developed yet, the skin appears wrinkled. The lips are distinct and eyes are formed, although the iris (the coloured part of the eye) still lacks pigment. The pancreas, essential in the production of hormones, is developing steadily. Even at this early stage, the first signs of teeth are appearing in the form of tooth buds beneath the gum line. Eyebrows begin to appear in this week, also taste buds start developing on the tongue.

If you are having a baby boy, the testes will start descending from the abdomen, while for a baby girl, the ovaries and uterus will already be developed by this time. Also, the eggs will also be formed inside her ovaries that she will produce later in her life.

This week’s activities for the pregnancy to-do list

Check out your rings (on fingers, tummy, nipples, etc). Regarding rings on fingers, i t's common to have some swelling in your fingers as your pregnancy progresses. If your rings are feeling the least bit snug, do yourself a favour and take them off now before it's too late (or at least keep an eye on them). If you leave it too long, it will be painful - and drastic, expensive action (cutting rings off) is unfortunately not that uncommon in pregnant women. If you can't bear to be separated from your wedding band or another important ring when you can no longer sport it on your finger, loop it on a chain and wear it close to your heart, or wear it on your watch band.

Prevent varicose veins. Avoid crossing your legs and long periods of sitting or standing, which may result in blood pooled in the legs

You probably know the gender of your baby by now (unless you want it to be a surprise), so take a second look at baby names

Work with your gracious baby shower host (if you have one) to plan party logistics

Note that this article contains general information only and is not intended to replace advice from a qualified health professional.

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