3rd Trimester (weeks 27-40) Week 39

About You

Week 39 is the thirteenth week of the 3rd trimester, you are now at full term, and your due date is officially at the end of this week. At this stage of your pregnancy, you are really feeling the pressure of your baby’s head snuggled right down in your pelvis and prefer to be semi lying down rather than sitting.
If the week passes and there's still no baby? Don't panic, as only 5 per cent of babies are born on their scheduled due date and many first time mothers have a baby after the due date has passed. Most doctors wait another two weeks before considering a pregnancy overdue (with many doctors not letting a pregnancy pass the overdue mark by 10-14 days).

Start reading up on baby care. If you haven't already, now is the perfect time to switch reading gears from pregnancy to baby. You won't have as much time to read after your baby's born, so learn all you can about the first few weeks now. A good place to start is Bathing a Newborn.

If haemorrhoids are a problem for you now, and will probably be more so after a vaginal birth – try carrying around a portable cushion in your bag. And if you are suffering from heartburn right now, avoid rich foods.

About Baby

Your baby now weighs about 3.4 kilograms (but anywhere between 2.5 and 3.8 kilograms is a healthy range for newborns) and is approximately 50.7cm long from top to toe. Officially, it is due to be born next week but can come at any time (remember that only about 5% of babies are actually born on the due date). At this stage, your baby is still putting on weight and building a layer of fat to help it control body temperature after birth.
Your amniotic fluid, once clear, is now pale and milky from your baby's shedding vernix caseosa. The outer layers of baby’s skin are also shedding as new skin forms underneath. Your body will produce more amniotic fluid until the baby is born, so your carers may suggest you wait at home until contractions are under way or may suggest an induction.

This week’s activities for the pregnancy to-do list

✔Catch up with friends before a new baby restricts your social life temporarily

Practice any relaxation or breathing techniques you've learned

Wrap up at work and create a memo for your fill-in, just in case you go into labour before your due date

Discuss with your partner and health care provider the option of cutting the umbilical cord

Start reading up on baby care. If you haven't already, now is the perfect time to switch reading gears from pregnancy to baby. You won't have as much time to read after your baby's born, so learn all you can about the first few weeks now. A good place to start is Bathing a Newborn

If you're planning to breastfeed and have bought your nursing bra(s), remember that your breasts will probably increase one or two more sizes while you're nursing. While you're shopping, get some breast pads to tuck into your bra to absorb any leaks that you may already be experiencing and some purified or "medical-grade" lanolin ointment for tender nipples (but avoid lanolin if you're allergic to wool)

Note that this article contains general information only and is not intended to replace advice from a qualified health professional.

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